Responsible investing

We believe that appropriate attention to ESG issues makes good business sense and that companies with sound practices and proper consideration of stakeholders are more likely to outperform those who do not consider these factors as important. For us, Responsible Investing is not just a statement, rather it’s an ingrained philosophy.


As part of our bottom-up investment process, we believe that ESG issues should be considered in determining a fair valuation as they can have a fundamental impact on the companies in which we are investing. Our investment process begins with screening for potential investments based on valuation measures (price/earnings, price/cash flow and price/book value), capital utilization (ROE, ROCE) and balance sheet strength. Once potentially attractive opportunities are identified, we incorporate ESG considerations using the following approaches:

ESG analysis

Using a proprietary tool, we gather data on all companies, using company, management and third party data, to assess an ESG score.


Integrate the ESG assessment into a company’s valuation (either adjusting the discount rate, multiple, or replacement value calculation).


We believe in active ownership and continually engage in ongoing dialogues with management and the Boards of the companies in which we invest to foster change. We report on these activities on a regular basis to our clients through updates in our quarterly reports.

Collaborative Initiatives

We believe that through promotion and collaboration with other industry participants on issues relating to ESG, we can help move change forward.

Socially Responsible Investment Strategy

Since 2006, we have run a Socially Responsible Investment Strategy employing a screen based on an exclusionary list supplied by a third-party provider. This negative screen is applied to the Canadian equity portfolio, in which we fully integrated ESG factors into our valuation, as described above.

United Nations – Principles of Responsible Investing (UNPRI)

Scheer Rowlett became a signatory to UNPRI in 2018.

Canadian Investor Statement on Diversity & Inclusion

As affiliates of CC&L Financial Group, Scheer Rowlett is a member of the Responsible Investment Association (RIA). In September 2020, we signed the RIA’s Canadian Investor Statement on Diversity & Inclusion.

Founding Participant in Climate Engagement Canada

We signed up in July 2021 as a Founding Participant in Climate Engagement Canada.

Scheer Rowlett ESG guidelines and analysis documents

Scheer Rowlett & Associates Investment Management Ltd.
July 4th, 2022