Scheer Rowlett
Product highlights
- Fifteen-year + track record of alpha generation
- Consistent and disciplined application of value investment philosophy
- ESG factors fully integrated into valuations along with a third-party
Responsible Investment screen - Ability to customize to client’s ESG/Responsible Investment criteria
- Leverage the scale of CC&L Financial Group with over $132 billion in AUM
- Generate 2% alpha per annum versus S&P/TSX Composite Index, over a business cycle
- Strive to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns over the long term
Strategy inception date
- Inception date of the Scheer Rowlett Socially Responsible Canadian Equity strategy is October 31, 2006.
For more information on the Scheer Rowlett
Socially Responsible Canadian Equity Strategy please contact:
Brent Wilkins
Senior Vice President,
Head of Institutional Sales, Canada
Tel: 416-364-5396
Email: [email protected]
Scheer Rowlett & Associates Investment Management Ltd.
July 15th, 2022